so you want the chisme?

Linda MAria Girón was born and raised in el monte, California where they bounced between homes all across the san gabriel valley, developing a love for food, music and all things DRAmatic.

A self taught guitarist and accidental actor- lin first attempt to take the stage fumbled in high school after getting pulled out of rehearsals for failing freshman Year math (a huge no-no for their math teacher mamá girón.)

but Lin’s stubbornness prevailed sophomore year (#Taurusmoon), and with subpar math grades, lin took on their first starring role as Rose of sharon in the grapes of wrath. You can bet all the high school parent’s LOVEd seeing that tear jerker…

flash forward 10 years, lin graduated UC BERKELEY with a bachlor’s in- not mathematics- but Theater & Performance studies where they fell in love with bay area theater.